These are few couplets I wrote when the Israeli oppression against Palestinians were at its peak. Waking up to more heart-wrenching and overwhelming videos day after day left me feeling utterly helpless and shattered. It isn't just about the suffering of Palestine; it reflects the injustice endured by countless individuals worldwide. This is a comparison that highlights the contrast between those of us who take our blessings for granted and the innocent victims who have lost everything. 

In comfort's embrace, we reside with glee,
While our kin endure, aching to be free.

Luxury surrounds us, a lavish domain,
Yet our people seek shelter, longing in pain.

Beside cherished ones, we laugh and we thrive,
While they yearn for safety, struggling to survive.

Feasts grace our tables, a banquet array,
While hunger consumes them, day after day.

We watch their burden, their anguish, their woe,
As our people endure, in the depths below.

Prayers escape us, for their trials to cease,
While they seek refuge, in death's quiet peace.

There are ongoing riots around the world right now against sex, racism, gender apartheid, and what not! We can never fully comprehend the pain and anguish people go through but we can always realize how ungrateful we are. This shall serve as a mere reminder to all of us to be more appreciative of everything we've got.

Until next time,


  1. God bless you syeda! I'm proud to see you growing and understanding the things going on around us. Most importantly, I'm on cloud nine to see you expressing in such a beautiful way that each and every word directly touching our hearts. May god be with you always and give you success at your every step.


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